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AYURVEDA SERIES: Fresh Chutney Recipe

Updated: Feb 12, 2020

Chutneys are a nutritious and tasty traditional Ayurvedic meal. Made out of fresh fruits, spices, and herbs, Chutneys stimulate agni, help with digestion, and can awaken prana - the vital force in life and within our bodies.

In Hindu philosophy, yoga, and Indian medicine, prana is referred to as the vital force or element that ties all the other elements together. There are different types of prana that regulate the intake of food and substances, digestion, circulation of nutrients, release of positive energy, and the elimination of waste. The key to health is to maintain prana working in harmony.

Agni is the intelligent force contained within each cell, tissue, and system in our body that helps assimilate, digest, or eliminate nutrients and other elements. You can think of it as the digestive fire. In Ayurveda, impaired agni is considered the cause of most imbalances and diseases. In fact, it is said that once agni leaves the body, death soon follows.

A person with an awakened prana, strong agni, and good digestion is more likely to feel strong, vibrant, and healthy regardless of chronological age.

There are many chutney recipes. Here, we present three traditional Indian chutneys, one for each dosha constitution.


People with vata characteristics tend to have dry skin, constipation, and anxiety. This is a sweet chutney that grounds vata dosha and stimulates digestion. It stimulates the digestive fire (agni) and increases the life force (prana) giving a feeling of grounding and vitality.

Pitted dates, 1 cup.

Raisins, pre-soaked in watter, 1/2 cup.

Fennel seeds, 1/2 teasp.

Cumin seeds, 1/2 teasp.

Ground coriander, 1/2 teasp.

Orange juice, freshly squeezed, about 1/2 cup.

Fresh ginger toot, peeled, 2 teasp.

Mix all ingredients into a food processor or blender until you obtain a chunky, semi-liquid consistency like jelly. If you don't have a food processor or blender, you can finely chop all ingredients. Eat about 1 teaspoon of this mix 20 minutes before a main meal (lunch or dinner) to help with digestion. You can also eat chutney as a condiment on the side with any meal.


People with pitta characteristics tend to have a medium built body constitution, they are more intense, may wake up in the middle of the night, have skin rashes, and are prone to irritability. This chutney has a cooling and calming effect that purifies pitta dosha.

Fresh cilantro leaves, a big bunch.

Apple, pealed, 1 cup.

Lemon juice, about 1/2 cup.

Pinch of salt.

Fresh turbinado sugar, to taste.

Mix all ingredients into a food processor or blender until you obtain a chunky, semi-liquid consistency like jelly. If you don't have a food processor or blender, you can finely chop all ingredients. Serve as a condiment on the side with any meal.


People with kapha constitution tend to be more calm and grounded, may retain water and produce mucus more easily, and have a heavier bodily constitution. This chutney produces heat in the body and helps get things moving for kapha doshas. It helps balance agni and digestion.

Fresh, peeled, diced ginger root, 1/2 cup.

Raisins, pre-soaked in water, 1/2 cup.

Lime juice, about 2 tablesp.

Orange juice, about 1/2 cup.

Mix all ingredients into a food processor or blender until you obtain a chunky, semi-liquid consistency like jelly. If you don't have a food processor or blender, you can finely chop all ingredients. Serve as a condiment on the side with any meal.


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